How it works:

This assessment is grounded on a tool described as the ‘Rosetta Stone’ of sustainability assessments and is based on questions in B Lab's SDG Action Manager and the Future-Fit Business Benchmark. It brings simplicity to complexity and has been developed in cooperation with the UN Global Compact Network Pakistan, SDGme.

  • 1. You will be asked to pay for the service and register your details.
  • 2. Answer a number of multiple-choice questions and use a slider bar to share your company’s sustainability performance.
  • 3. At the end of the survey, you will be emailed a report with your SDG, ESG and Non-Financial Capitals assessment results and score.
  • 4. The scores are presented in a number of formats which you can use in your internal reports. If you choose, you can also share the results and scores directly with your stakeholders via integrated social media platforms.
  • 5. You can use the scores as your benchmark to map your performance, identify materiality and demonstrate where you are making progress and where you are falling behind as you journey towards the 2030 Goals.


The assessment tool uses two types of questions to assess areas of interest to the above stakeholders.

Performance questions:

These questions assess an organisation's approach to, and progress in, reducing/eliminating its harmful impacts on the environment, its employees, and society.

Positive Impacts questions:

These questions assess if / how the organisation is being regenerative on an issue either directly or indirectly through its products, services and donations that amplify others’ positive impacts or help others cause less harm.

This tool expresses an organisation's sustainability performance in three ways:

1. As scores on progress toward science-based goals for 18 core sustainability / ESG issues. These issues arise at the organisation's impact points, as shown in the figure below. Note: ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) is used as a shorthand synonym for "sustainability."

2. As scores on contributions to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ESG scores are used as proxies for scores on their aligned, primary SDGs, as shown in the figure.

3. As scores on impacts on the 3 non-financial capitals (natural, human, and social). ESG scores are used as proxies for scores on their aligned non-financial capitals, as shown in the figure.

Organisations can express their sustainability scores in whichever framework's terminology (ESG, SDG or Non-Financial Capitals) is most appropriate for their purposes.

These scores provide a baseline to compare with scores for future reporting periods to track the organisation’s progress.