
Companies & Organisations that have undertaken any of the SDGme assessments will be presented with a Certificate that recognises that they have undertaken the SDGme Assessment. It does not highlight your scores, although companies are welcome to add the scores in any supplementary communications collaterals (not on the certificate itself).

What does it mean to be SDGme Certified?

  • 1. Companies & Organisations that wish to highlight to their stakeholders or consumers that that are progressing their Sustainability agenda, have the option to use the SDGme Logo on their products as part of an additional value add service. There is an annual fee of £2050 for the use of the SDGme logo.

  • 2. Organisations & companies may use the SDGme logo on products as long as they do not conflict with the UN’s Ten Principles e.g. a company may not use the SDGme logo on cigarette packs, alcoholic products or products & packaging that are harmful to the plant or children. We will be updating the terms of use in the near future and this may include a limit on the number of products the SDGme logo can be used with.

Please contact us if you wish to use the SDGme logo on your products/packaging.